Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday's (8.3) Dinner, Left Overs (8.4), New Reads.

What a title right?!
I want to be able to gather enough in a blog so it doesn't get boring. The goal is to be able to reach out to more followers, not lose any. lol

On Wednesday I made spinach cooked in fresh garlic with corn. Seasoned rice. Thinly sliced chicken breast cleansed in red wine vinegar then seasoned with onion powder, lemon pepper seasoning, garlic powder, chicken seasoning, pepper & spicy pepper. Cooked in a pan with fresh garlic.
I had left over chicken and spinach/corn. I threw them in a pan heated them up and the veggies cooked in with the chicken reduced the 'heat' taste of the chicken. Left overs definitely were amazing.

I finished 'Tuesdays with Morrie'. That is going to have to be a blog within itself because I have quotes that I want to post as well as what I feel about the book itself. Now I need a new read & maybe I could get some suggestions. It's either that or I'll just close my eyes and point. lol But they all seem like great reads, so I'm trying to sum it up to one of the three.
I have so many books that I've purchased to the point that I just noticed when finding these I had an extra 'Tuesdays With Morrie'. I even have the male version of 'Eat, Pray, Love', 'Drink, Play, F@#'. But I've narrowed it down to those three books and I'm just caught on which to start. -sigh-

Hope all is going well for everyone.
- xo Ahlexandria

Which reminds me, I need a nice signature for down here & a little icon for the address bar.


  1. That looks great! I wanna read Eat, Pray, love, because people tell me its a really good book.

  2. I have two out of three books :-). I read Go Ask Alice back in the 7th grade, that's a must read for any female! I read Eat Pray Love back when it first came out & ever since then, I've been wanting to go to Italy soooo bad LOL. I just added 'Tuesdays With Morrie' to my Amazon wishlist! Seems like a good read.

  3. Dari,
    Thank you! I'm trying to add more into my blog. Various reads for all different bloggers & readers.

  4. Esspi!
    Do not ruin it for ME! LOL. You should read the male version of 'Eat,Pray,Love' tell me what you think. I haven't started it yet. 'Tuesdays with Morrie' definitely had an impact on me. I think after I read three other books I will go back to that one to make sure I have tried maintaining a positive outlook.

    'Go Ask Alice' might be my next read. Just incase the other two books I have with me for my little trip this weekend. I have so many other books, but slowly I will get through them.

  5. eat pray love is pretty good! I'm halfway through it! and I'll add go ask Alice to my list :)

  6. you so need to read go ask alice first, hands down one of my favorite books of all time! You'll probably finish it in one day like I did :)

    You just gave me a new way to spice up my veggies: spinach and corn together sounds fabulous!


  7. Mama Bear! :)
    First, I love your blog! Your little one is way too cute. Second, thank you for reading my blog.

    I can't wait to read the rest, BUT I did start with 'Ask Alice'. Definitely a MUST READ! ;) I have tons of other books. It would be nice to have everyone read books and blog about it & we all see what insight we felt about that book.

  8. DAISSSYYY! HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING?!?! I started reading 'Ask Alice' on my weekend trip. For two hours, I got half way into the book. Haven't touched it since Friday & left it at home today. I'm going to finish it by the end of the week & write what I think about it. I still have to do that for 'Tuesdays with Morrie' which I think would be appropriate to do on a Tuesday.

    & I'm glad that I could give you more ideas for your food choices. :) If you have any shoot them my way. <3


Comments, critique, advice, even a hello is always welcome!
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.
xo - Ahlexandria

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