Friday, August 17, 2012

Clearing Up 8.10

I find it interesting the amount of hits that post received. I got messaged and questioned as to why I would write that & then it dawned on me maybe my wording was incorrect.

If you've followed me for some time now, here or on Twitter, you'll know that I do not live with my Mom. I live with Steff in an apartment. People have asked for advice on how to live with someone, or how can you even live with a best friend. Simply, it comes down to rules & that was the message I was trying to state. That no matter WHO it is that you live with there has to be rules set in order to be able to live with someone. The fact that is came off offensive,'s more of a research & experience based blog.

When certain messages come into play like that where they start to question what is going on in my household, it's like personal blogs can only be taken so far. I can not stress the fact that if I want to share with someone I will. When it comes to certain things, there is nothing to state than what I do here. Considering this, I think I've been an open book with my readers. I wouldn't want to not be who I am all to keep people interested. Of course some things will be more intriguing than others, but all I can do is share what I want to in that moment.

For those of you understanding the point in last Friday's post, thank you. Thank you everyone for all of your feedback & curiosity. My mission in blogging is not only be able to vent, but to share myself with all of you. Hopefully by doing so you can relate to me.

With that said - 

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
xo - Ahlexandria

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wise Wednesday.

All we can do is still to what we want to do with ourselves. Goals are not easy to keep up with. Giving up is definitely not the way though. It is fine to take a break from things, but don't completely lose sight of what you had planned. Keep going, stay driven, find a way to make it all happen!

Friday, August 10, 2012

"I want a roommate!"

I've been getting a lot of questions how to live with a roommate, how do I live with someone who is considered my best friend. Tons of people are considering moving out, finding a place with either their best friend, or renting a room from someone they know especially with September & college life. Let me just say no matter which you choose they are not easy.

Living on your own would seem like the simpler choice, but financially it might not be right or even some times just getting lonely. The perks of living on your own, solely you - it's your space, you only have to worry about yourself & if there's a mess it's yours & only yours. Now you would think, "Well that's the same case with roommates". Even with a friend or best friend, they can easily take advantage of it because they feel they can get over on you. Some times if you're going to live with someone, someone you don't know as well can be better to live with. So, no matter who you live with there has to be rules you agree upon prior to moving in. For example: Our rules were rotation of who takes out the trash, who washes the dishes depending on who cooks, cleaning once a week, no hair in the tub, toothpaste in the sink & splitting bills & food down the middle. The only way you can enforce these rules are by; constantly setting reminders & hope that the person/people you live with doesn't go back on what the priorities are for the home you both share, & respecting the agreement you came to with them from the beginning.

The problem a lot of times, more than most, people get too comfortable. One person can tackle more than one responsibility because the other person/people aren't holding their end of the deal. So chore charts are in place, or calenders to mark what was done. Once you see or just know your name is there all the time, then you have a choice to make. You can either reiterate the agreements, make changes, or do less of so the other person can step up. I personally just continue to do what I have to do for my home because at the end of the day it's where I live, & I benefit from it because it is me who will learn from everything. Laziness & being tired is understandable, but that constantly happening becomes an issue.

No matter what it is that you do; working, school, getting wasted - there is a responsibility that you signed yourself to,that you agreed to with someone. By not holding up your end, by slacking off all the time, by thinking someone is always going to do everything or cater to you, you are wrong. Eventually the person you live with will get fed up. There are tons of tips to living with people, great ones in fact (all websites listed below).

To anyone who is considering living with someone else, the people who keep asking me about it my word of advice is:

  • Make sure there are rules set in place from the beginning.
  • Make sure the rules are followed through the entire time.
  • Sit down & talk about: how things are going at work, home & life.
  • Keeping an open form of communication.
  • Don't do more than your share especially if the other person doesn't care.
  • Make sure the bills are paid on time between all parties.
  • If bills aren't paid on time make sure it is made up for some how.
  • Don't let anyone take advantage of you.
  • Living with friends can possibly ruin your friendship.
  • Some times you have to think to just do for yourself.
  • Make an example & if that is not enough, leave it to them to learn.
  • Set up goals for your home that you all agree upon.
  • Remind your roommate/yourself of the agreements from the beginning.
  • If things get hard say it.
  • If you need help with things & they're too "blind" leave them a note or say so.
  • Do not let anyone borrow anything without knowing it will be returned.
  • If everything is divided equally, make sure it's paid at the same time.

There's probably a whole list more but these websites can definitely help.

  1. Roommate Survival Guide
  2. Tips & Tricks for Living With Roommates
  3. Surviving Your Roommate/Surviving Yourself

Good luck!
- Ahlexandria

All of this is from experience from living with people, friends from my Mom's home (renters & friends), to staying with people, to living with a person I was with, to my apartment now.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Appeasing August.


[uh-peez]  Show IPA
verb (used with object), ap·peased, ap·peas·ing.
1. to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe:
to appease an angry king.
2. to satisfy, allay, or relieve; assuage: The fruit appeased hishunger.
3. to yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation,group, person, etc.) in a conciliatory effort, sometimes atthe expense of justice or other principles.

Copied the above from Dictionary.Com. Why I decided to use that word should state much of itself. I want this month to bring about a change, but in a sense that it helps me. Although I could list the many goals for this month, I rather stick to weekly goals that can be targeted easily. Aside for the goals that have been made for the apartment, I have several that I will continue to strive for myself.

Along with everything that I have been putting together personally & even with my blog, I have been an avid member of Key's photo challenges. She brings out different themes to take photos of, but at the same time it's about how you take the picture to feed the eye. Everyone has their own way of using their camera, or even of how they view beauty. What I love about her challenges is that not only does it help us as photographers, it helps her as a photographer. She gets a description of why we chose that photo, but she can also view it in a different light as well as the other followers that view her posts.

I started to become extremely into the idea of photo challenges. I was looking up different challenges on Tumblr & then Googled a few. Comes to find out there is a popular blog, Fat Mum Slim, who does them every single month. I considered doing the daily challenge but through Instagram aside from the weekly one I already participate in. There are so many challenges that can be done aside from photography & I wanted to see if I could even keep up with them. The only downfall is going through it half way. There are some days you feel more inspired than others!

But really, it's August already. Eight months into the year which means the holidays are about to be right around the corner. I will probably say this again in another post & I know I've mentioned it before but time surely does fly!

& while I have the same continuous goals & challenges that I am trying to create for myself, I hope you are all doing the same & enjoying every day as they come.

What do you have planned for August?

*Please check out the links above. :)