Friday, October 14, 2011

Relieved In A Way.

I feel some sense of relief. Although it may not have been the normal thing to do, I had to do it. I was holding it in for far to long, it wasn't letting me move on with my life. This grudge that I had let build up inside of me, letting it eat me - but for what?! This girl didn't do anything to me, because who am I to her?! I am a nobody. My ex though, she was someone important to me & for her to turn to her burned me. While trying to fix things with me, while trying to make things "better" between us, she runned to her because I couldn't find the way to give her all of me; the love, the attention, the comfort that she wanted because I was inflicted with all this pain that we had caused to one another.

It's sad. It honestly is that so many months later I still cry about it. I cry about things because I can't believe they happened, or that loving me wasn't enough. It held us there for so long, but on this thin thread that eventually tore apart. As hopeless as I was, & still am, I can't let my emotions for my ex make me hate this young girl. I can't hate either or them, I don't have the hate in me, I just rather share how I feel & hopefully with her understanding I can feel better.

This all seems crazy, all seems so odd for me to even mention, even to bring up to her. I had to though, I needed to get that sense of relief that I shared how I felt. Even if it comes from no where, out of the blue, I know it's what I needed to do (for myself mostly). She seems like a wonderful person, she's a great parent & she's intelligent. Someone so positive as that, my ex deserves in her life, deserves to make her happy! I only want the best for my ex, for anyone that has come into my life. & although the past can not be forgotten, I know I can move on with a clear mind & a less weighed down heart.

Hopefully what I needed to do has helped me.


  1. I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes it's hard because you've forgiven but you haven't forgotten. I'm glad you've let go, and it's good that your sort of venting. it's good for the soul :)

  2. I hope it helps you too. Writing things out can make you feel better. Keeping them bottled up isnt good for you.

  3. it is true that sometimes you need to let go and overcome everything that hurts in order to feel brand new. ALL FOR YOURSELF! whatever weight that you have lifted i'm proud of you for doing so. it feels better to breathe knowing that the weights we allowed to weigh us down, that we took the steps to just let it go!


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xo - Ahlexandria

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