Sunday, October 21, 2012

I've Lost My Mind Plenty....

& this quote fits what goes on with me perfectly!

T i m e  h e a l s  a l l .
Very true in many forms. I've lost my mind, myself & everything that comes along with sanity. I know I'm crazy, but even by being crazy & this weirdo, I'm happy! There are times where stress does get the best of me, where people are complete disappointments, where I am not on the up & up; but feels so good to know that I can find my happy place.

I've done so many things to reach that point. I've found so many ways to relieve stress, to be happy, to just look at the bigger picture. I am not perfect & I know this. I do what I have to do & continue to do it because it's what has to be done. Those who can not stay true to who they are, who let so many things change them & can not continue to stick to things - those are people who will lose themselves. Being crazy is who I am. I don't think I am sane, even though a lot of times it seems so. I am out of control, loose at the mouth, but at the end of the day I'm me. I hold it together as best as I can & I've started not caring about a lot of things that can not be changed. I can not change people & their priorities & how much they suck. I can not change the weather, nor can I change how the world works. All I can do is adapt, accept it & continue about my day to day.

Although I love to evaluate all of it; question, wonder, think of what was said & done - I will not allow it to get the best of me. People will no longer get the best of me. Feelings will be feelings in that moment & something I will have to overcome. If I lose out, I lose out. There will be something that comes along to just replace that loss.

I have been more to myself, more focused on hobbies (ie: food blog). I've met new people, gotten to know people I do better & learned who holds what place in my life. Some people have been demoted & I am absolutely ok with that. Their actions, their words, where I'm at, what I do, it all doesn't seem to fit one another. Life is like a puzzle piece we are trying to figure out and put together. Just know, everyone will also have that missing piece. If it's not that missing piece they will always have a piece they are trying their best to fit in.

T h i n k  a b o u t  i t !

Don't ever doubt what your mind and heart are capable of. Do it because it feels right, but know that whatever decision you make there are occurrences/consequences that then follow. Don't want to stay true to you work, don't want to keep promises, want to put whomever helped you get to where you are aside, want to act like you're better, want to not care - it all comes with something.

My mind randomly typing it all up.
- Ahlexandria


  1. this sounds like i typed it myself. it's amazing to come to realization about yourself & self worth along with the people around you. its amazing to find out just who is really in your life to bring positive vibes.

  2. It's so great that you know who you are, and most of all, you accept who you are. That's what I believe keeps you from trying to change with the fads and what other people want of you, accepting who you are. You don't have to be okay with all of you, improving yourself is different from changing yourself because when you improve you do it for yourself, not others.

  3. I like your blog!
    Check out mine sometime if you want :))

  4. At least you've come to terms with what makes you you and apparently you cherish those who accept you for who you are. I'm the same way. There is so much I try to change, but then I realize that it's apart of who I am. There is nothing wrong with wanting to change but as long as it fits the person you're evolving into.

    Time definitely heals all.

    Love this part: "Life is like a puzzle piece we are trying to figure out and put together. Just know, everyone will also have that missing piece. If it's not that missing piece they will always have a piece they are trying their best to fit in." I'll have to save that one.

    By the way, I've nominated you for a blog award! Check it out--->

    Chymere Anais

  5. You're words are such an encouragement..and even thought I'm late on commenting it came at the right time for me (:

  6. Love!! <3
    I'm glad you're finding yourself. Never stop living!

  7. Deep!

    I love the way you write, it speaks to me.



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Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.
xo - Ahlexandria

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